Current conditions on 07.01.2025 at 11:41 CET at the roof-top weather station of the University of Freiburg
Sunny at 6.7 °C and moderate breeze from Southwest
Air temperature
73 %
Solar irradiance
222 W/m²
9.7 m/s
0.0 mm/h
1007.7 hPa
View towards South 01/07/2025 11:42 local time Visibility:
More than 75 km.
Cloud camera 01/07/2025 11:43 local time 60 minutes of sunshine in the last hour. Solar position: Altitude = 18.7º, Azimuth = 167.0º
Preliminary weather data from the last few days, weeks or months can be downloaded here. Data has not been checked or quality-controlled and may contain errors. Quality-controlled and gap-filled weather and climate data from previous years can be found under Open Data. Missing values are indicated by the value -9999.